Monday, May 08, 2017

Exercise, Fitness Bands & Keeping Healthy

So I was reading through Glamour magazine and this article caught my eye about Fitness Trackers, whether they are your friend or frenemy and it really got me thinking about how I use mine. I'm not going to pitch this fantastic story about how I keep myself fit and healthy all the time because that would be untrue. Keeping healthy of course is important, but keeping myself and my food brain happy is also. So enjoying the occasional Take out or Burger & Fries doesn't make me feel bad in the slightest, but having a balance of both does.

When it comes to wearing my fitness band, Fitbit Charge HR if anyone is interested, I do find myself obsessing about how many steps I have done, and checking how much of my day I have been in the Fat Burn Zone. I think especially if you do not live a super high healthy lifestyle, it's not such a bad thing to keep track of what you are doing in terms of fitness. It is said that you should walk 10,000 steps a day on average, which could be said to be walking to and from and about at work, or just pottering around at home. Maybe it is a bit obsessive, but I like to track that I have at least done the minimum of 10,000 steps. When I'm not wearing my tracker, a number of steps never comes into my mind. I just get on with my day and let's be honest you know if you have worked your socks off that day because you ache all over and you feel good about yourself because you have achieved something. Likewise, If you wear a fitness tracker, they key is to not become too obsessed with tracking your fitness and your food intake. I think in some ways that can cause more issues. SO just feel good about what you have achieved big or small. Like the article says wearing one can be like giving yourself a kick up the bum because let's be honest sometimes we all have days where we can be right lazy, which is why I don't have a problem with using a tracker. It is about using them in a  healthy way, not just for your physical health but for your mental health too. Too much obsession can have an impact on your wellbeing for the wrong reasons.

Personally, I like to say that I am pretty healthy and keep myself fit a certain degree, I wouldn't like to become obsessed with it but I rather just exercise when I feel good about it and eat a well-balanced diet. To read about my Fitness tips and tools click here

What do you think about Fitness bands? DO you wear one? Love to hear what you think :)


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